Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hello Bitcoin enthusiasts,

We are in the age of Bitcoin and many people are seeing that this trend is not going anywhere.... anytime soon that is.  I really did not pay too much attention to it in the beginning, as I thought, just like the Dinar it was showing to be an over hyped up and inflated "idea" of possible futuristic currency poised to make everyone a millionaire that would soon burst into tiny little pieces that meant hardly anything. 

Well, here are facts behind this awesome phenomenon and the great potential behind it if you take heed now and start building.

Now, I know that many people realized that at the time of this blog creation that the current rate of 1 Bitcoin = $963.00!
Is this an amount that people can go out and purchase several with ease?
Most will not be able to do that but having the means to be able to secure some or even 1 Bitcoin over time would prove to be very beneficial in the long run. 

With that being said, I have provided several "FREE" means to secure BTCs or Satoshi which is just considered a smaller version of bits to be added to make up a bitcoin in the end. I don't need to explain to you at this time what this could mean for you and your family. Just know that you are here at the right time in the right place to be able to secure a nice "golden egg" for you and your family!

Here are the ones that I found to be very easy to secure "FREE" BTCs with, no problems  and adds immediately to your account instantly. 

Every 20 mins you will have the opportunity to add to your Bitcoin Depot here:

Every 60 mins you will have the chance to add to your Bitcoin Depot here:

These have shown the test of time and I believe in doing my DD (Due Diligence) I am sure I will add more later on as time goes on but clearly places these in good standing with security and stability of being online for a nice period of time with credibility. 
If you are totally new and don't have a bitcoin account set up by all means check out the banner below and get signed up today and start
growing your bitcoins for "FREE".

Coinbase is an exchange depot that has been established since June of 2012 and has well 2.8 million users worldwide. Based in California it has rose in the ranks of one the most highly used digital platforms for those exchanging and using Bitcoins and Ethereum and other digital currencies. You can securely and safely purchase with credit card, debit cards with ease. 
Get your account set up today~

Hope you enjoyed my share here. I believe we are all poised for is just up to us to seize the moments given to us~